It is Software, but it is also a Method

About Arculyator

Arculyator is a software-based method used for calculating cladding material requirements. It is built on a graphical editor (CAD) specialized for surfaces with openings and construction-related features such as walls, floors, and ceilings.

AGrids is a fundamental tool that applies a calculation algorithm based on four key components to determine facing material requirements.


Components of AGrids

1. Facing Detail
Includes panels, tiles, or similar materials. Provides the ability to edit sizes and gaps between elements.

Facing Detail Illustration

2. Load-Bearing Frame Structure
Composed of metal profiles or wooden frame structures. Includes vertical and horizontal profiles, junctions between parts, and openings. All elements are fully customizable.

Load-Bearing Frame Structure Illustration

3. Consumables
Includes insulation materials, sealants, fasteners, adhesives for tiles, and more. Features an editable table where resources can be added. Supports formulas that use the covered area as a variable to control consumption rates. Materials and operations can also be incorporated in this section.

Consumables Illustration

4. Linear Details
Applied along the perimeter, corners, bottom start line, and top finish line. May include PVC extrusions for siding or aluminum extrusions for composite panels.

Linear Details Illustration

Using Arculyator

Material Facing Detail Load-Bearing Frame Consumables Linear Details
Laminate Flooring
Puttying, Painting

Contact Me

Sergii Skakalskyi

Toronto, ON, Canada

tel. +1.647.938.0866

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